East Village Community Coalition logo EVCCNYC with pigeon mascot

EVCC Membership

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We ask you to visualize 10 years into the future of the Lower East Side.

Will there be small, locally-owned shops?  Will there be a dedicated historic district that protects against inappropriate development?  Will there be improved alternative transportation options such as bicycling and faster buses?  Will our neighborhood maintain its artistic and cultural heritage?

As an advocate for the unique character of the Lower East Side and East Village, these are questions we continually ask.  Recent efforts include:

  • Researching opportunities to bring Formula Retail Zoning (FRZ) regulation to our neighborhood to fight the proliferation of chain stores and franchises (click here for our FRZ video)
  • Producing the Get Local Guide to East Village Shops , a vital tool that educates our neighbors about the importance of supporting local merchants
  • Collaborating to make our neighborhood more bicycle and pedestrian-friendly, and producing the Kids’ Art Bike Parade
  • Fighting to save historic buildings in an effort to gain landmark status and proposing districts to the Historic Districs Council
  • Working with neighbors to stop the proliferation of loud bars and ensuring a healthy mix of retail outlets

To continually pursue these initiatives, we need your support.  Please become a member today!