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East Village Consumer Survey Results

In the fall of 2014 the EVCC enlisted the help of the JGSC Group to conduct the East Village Consumer Survey as a way to better understand why people visit the East Village. The slideshow highlights key findings from the survey.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://evccnyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/EV-Consumer-Survey-Results-Slideshow.pdf”]



  • We learned that the most important initiatives are:
    • Retain existing businesses
    • Attract independent stores and boutiques.
    • The least desired initiative is to attract national retailers. Fewer than 2 percent of all respondents feel this is very important.
  • Respondents expressed a low level of satisfaction cleanliness and litter control (22%). This response was consistent among residents (regardless of their length of residency) and non-residents.
  • Among all respondents the most mentioned reason for not visiting more often is that merchandise prices are too high (46%).
  • Among all of the goods and services offered respondents identified 7 categories that were selected most frequently as reason they would visit more often:
    • Independent retail stores and books were selected by two-thirds of all respondents.
    • Recorded music, specialty foods, crafts and hobbies, housewares, and grocery store were selected by one-half of all respondents.
    • Noticeably absent from the preferred selections were clothing and accessories stores, drinking establishments (9%), and national retail stores (5%).
  • The most valuable source of information is the East Village blog site EVgrieve.com, which was described as very valuable by 71 percent of all responses.