East Village Community Coalition logo EVCCNYC with pigeon mascot

6/24: Preserving Local, Independent Retail Roundtable - East Village Community Coalition

FRZ Final 5.27.15-1

In June 2015 the East Village Community Coalition released Preserving Local, Independent Retail: Recommendations for Formula Retail Zoning in the East Village, an analysis of the the growing presence of chain stores in the lower Manhattan neighborhood. These stores are changing the landscape of the neighborhood by altering the shopping choices from independent to mass-market retailers.

Three possible methods of formula retail zoning are proposed within the report. These options — aimed at informing decisions by East Village policy makers — have been crafted using case studies, legal suggestions and pre-existing zoning frameworks from other parts of the country. Join us to learn more about the proposals and ask questions about efforts to block the proliferation of chain stores in New York State and beyond.

The Preserving Local, Independent Retail Roundtable is presented as part of our Get Local! campaign launched in 2006 to promote a diverse retail mix of independent stores that reflect the neighborhood’s character and serve its population.


Light refreshments will be provided.