Support EVCC in 2016 View this email in your browser Dear Neighbors, Thank you for your support in preserving the East Village! 2015 tested our neighborhood on many fronts. You stood firm with us, again, to protect our unique buildings and local businesses from disaster and developers. We are grateful for […]
Category: Initiatives
It’s Time To Reserve Your Spot In The 2015 Get Local! Guide
OUR NOT-FOR-PROFIT GUIDE PROMOTES LOCAL SMALL BUSINESS We list 500+ businesses located in the East Village for free. We educate consumers by encouraging them to shop locally instead of in chains and franchises, and to use local community services. The 9th Edition of the Get Local! Guide hits the East Village this Fall! We print […]
LAUNCH: Get Local Guide Digital Map
Now view the Get Local! Guide to East Village Shops through our interactive map! Get Local Map […]
7/14: #EastVillageLoves Launch Party
A very special launch of our #EastVillageLoves campaign, designed to encourage locals and tourists alike to shop small, independent businesses, particularly those affected by the March explosion on the corner of 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Jimmy’s No. 43 43 East 7th St (2nd & 3rd Ave) Tuesday, July 14, 7-9PM Neighbors. Networking. Support for […]
6/24: Preserving Local, Independent Retail Roundtable
In June 2015 the East Village Community Coalition released Preserving Local, Independent Retail: Recommendations for Formula Retail Zoning in the East Village, an analysis of the the growing presence of chain stores in the lower Manhattan neighborhood. These stores are changing the landscape of the neighborhood by altering the shopping choices from independent to mass-market […]
REPORT: Preserving Local, Independent Retail
The EVCC announces the release of Preserving Local Independent Retail: Recommendations for Formula Retail Zoning in the East Village. The East Village is known for its colorful history of immigration, art, music, community advocacy and grassroots movements. Over the years the community has been home to a variety of artists, writers, and political activists — […]
East Village Consumer Survey Results
In the fall of 2014 the EVCC enlisted the help of the JGSC Group to conduct the East Village Consumer Survey as a way to better understand why people visit the East Village. The slideshow highlights key findings from the survey. [pdf-embedder url=””] FINDINGS: We learned that the most important initiatives are: Retain existing businesses […]
Retail Diversity in the East Village
Over the course of three days in August 2014, EVCC staff and volunteers walked every block of the East Village in an effort to catalog the ground floor use of each building in the community. The data provides a snapshot of the retail landscape in the East Village from summer 2014. Overview The East Village […]
REPORT: Anticipating and Adapting to Community Changes in the East Village
In 2015, an NYU Wagner School Capstone team made projections on the near future of the East Village. After spending a year analyzing trends, policy, and plans, the students prepared a report and presentation on the projected effects of change on residents and the neighborhood’s character. Anticipating and Adapting to Community Changes in the East Village NYU […]
City Planning Reduces Height Increases Planned for Contextual Zones, Reforms Community Process
The Department of City Planning announced that it will present to 51 community boards before further action is taken on the Zoning for Quality and Affordability plan introduced in February. The change is a response community opposition from neighborhoods throughout the five boroughs expressed during the comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. In […]