East Village Community Coalition logo EVCCNYC with pigeon mascot

P.S. 64: The Movie

Watch our video history of the landmarked building The EVCC has created a film about the history of P.S. 64, which was shown to the Landmarks Commission during the hearings about landmark status. The clip includes the details about the building’s architecture and famous students, and explains why it’s so important to preserve the school […]

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This Landmark Needs Your Help

In case there was any doubt about the deterioration of old P.S. 64 (fomerly CHARAS/El Bohio), this backside view shows just how bad things have gotten.  Pigeons fly in and out of every floor of the building all day long.  Windows are cracked and half-boarded up; rainstorms soak the interior.  Every day, the deterioriation increases. […]

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Lower East Side Is Endangered

Last May, The National Trust For Historic Preservation confirmed what we all know to be true:  The Lower East is one of the 11 most endangered neighborhoods in the country. They concluded that the sudden influx of high rise luxury apartments and hotels can quickly destroy the nature of the neighborhood and its historic past, […]

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Old P.S. 64 Landmark Status Confirmed

At a Sept. 15 2006 hearing, the City Council gave a final unanimous vote to landmark this culturally, historically and architecturally significant building. Many, many thanks to all of you who worked toward this victory for our community. Previously, on Tuesday, June 20, the Landmarks Commission unanimously declared old P.S. 64 a landmark, which means […]

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P.S. 64 – CHARAS, El Bohio: A History

One hundred years of education, culture, community, and controversy from 1904 to 2004 by Roland Legiardi-Laura Ground was broken on June 12th, 1904 for the city’s newest public school construction project just three days before the worst civilian disaster in American history (prior to 9/11). More than 1000 people, mostly women and children died when […]

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